Saturday, May 10 2025

9 AM - 11 AM
Saturday, May 10, 2025 9 a.m.
Projects & Special …

Walk with local bird expert Allen Stevens and learn to identify our birds and their songs

Join Nature Recovery Network’s Basic Bird Identification walk with experienced local birder, Allen Stevens. The walk will be the 8th in a series of bird surveying opportunities for NRN birding beginners. Walks start at 9.00am at the Fishponds Car Park and finish by 11.00am. Anyone who can only do an hour can finish at the half-way stop. Please bring binoculars if you have them.

These walks take place at the change of seasons with NRN's local birding experts. They are at a relaxed pace with regular stops, so are suitable for all ages. The main aim is to help anyone who is interested in getting a bit more familiar with basic bird recognition, song/calls and the best places to spot them.

Those of you who are not already members of NRN, we'd love you to join (£10 per year) in order to enjoy this workshop and many others for free. If you'd rather not join just yet, we ask you to pay £5 for this Bird Walk. This is partly because, although we all give our services for free, NRN has significant costs to do what it is doing for our local nature. Also, these workshops are usually oversubscribed and we have found that people sign up and then don't turn up, depriving someone else of the opportunity (to join NRN see below).

We look forward to sharing some time with you in the Great Outdoors! 

Please click here and give our local wildlife a present by becoming an NRN member! Not only will you be supporting compost/tool purchase etc. but you will get free access to all our survey workshops and discounted rates for workshops that we charge for.

Photo: Barn owl box installation in St Leonards Churchyard


10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Monday, May 5, 2025 10:30 a.m.
Multi-day Event
Community Services

Join us all on Mondays or Wednesdays as we sow, pot on and propagate our wildplant and flower seedlings as well as prepare for Eynsham Nature Recovery Network's upcoming events such as hedge planting and mulching.

You may find yourself...transposing tiny seedlings with care, recording the conditions they have been grown in for our innovative wildplant propagation data collection project, cutting willow whips by the Thames or shovelling woodchip for mulching, amongst other activities!

Everyone is welcome to this friendly group where we celebrate the mental health benefits of spending time outdoors and working together. There are tasks available for all abilities and you do not need to be physically fit to join in. Cake is often available!

Dates in May:

Monday Morning - 10.30 - 12.30

5th / 12th / 19th / 26th

Wednesday - 10.30 - 12.30 | 1.30 - 3.30 | All day (bring lunch)

7th / 14th / 21st / 28th

If you are interested in coming along please initially get in touch for an informal chat.