With the 600 metres that we all planted last year now flourishing, we are planning to plant nearly one kilometre this year, on the 60 acres of land that we have leased for us all to restore adjacent to the River Thames.
We will be in the Neyotts Meadow, off the Oxford Road beyond the Talbot Inn (What3words motel.hinders.regrowth). The Neyotts is on Wharf Stream Way and runs from the Oxford Road to Eynsham Lock. See the map on the right of this page, under 'Location'
The meadows have been leased by us for us to restore as a community as a mosaic of habitats - meadows, hedgerows, wetland and woodlands. It makes us the first community-driven landscape scale restoration project in the County and probably beyond.
We will leave from Long Mead at 10.00am. It is always helpful if you can arrive at the beginning so that we can brief everyone together. But if you can’t make it then, we’d love to see you anyway.
There will be cake but please bring a thermos and a picnic lunch, spades, secateurs and gloves if you have them. We can provide them if you don't. And wellies - it is likely to be wet.
Huge thanks to our formidable Wednesday Team without whose preparation we wouldn't be here. Huge thanks also to sixth former Laurie Wright who masterminded a magnificent team of students and villagers to deliver leaflets to every house.
Thanks also to all our community organisations for coming together to make 'our whole greater than the sum of our parts' and to our partners in the wider landscape - the Oxford Conservation Volunteers, the Wychwood Forest Trust as well as to the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England and Wild Oxfordshire for funding the all-important the hedging plants.