carneval_kingThe King is Back.
Photo K.Martin


An eye-witness account by Nicky Chambers:

'It was great to welcome back the Carnival after a two year absence and even a couple of downpours didn’t dampen the spirits of the visitors that make Carnival Day happen. Thanks to the NRN vounteers who helped sell and collect tickets – it wouldn’t happen without you!


Marshalling the Shirt Race was a great chance to speak to the families from Eynsham and lots of the surrounding villages lining Eynsham’s Acre End Street watch Eyshams eccentrically iconic event.



Carnival_NRN_cropNature Recovery Network's display raring to go.
Photo K. Martin


The draw of Eynsham was also a theme at the Nature Recovery Network's (NRN) stand in the Craft Tent where NRN volunteers were available to chat about what the NRN is and  does in the village and more widely. It was great to hear about how so many people are so keen to help nature recover in their own villages and hear that Eynsham is leading the way. 


Carnival_NRNNature Recovery Network networking.
Photo K. Martin


Whether it was people watching hedgehogs in their gardens or managing their road verges to promote diversity, its clear that there is a real passion for  nature which our NRN is committed to nurturing.

Thanks to all the NRN volunteers for 'personing' the NRN stand and thanks to Clive Tanner for the generous invitation to take part.  it definitely feels like the Nature Recovery Network is an integral part of the village and with your involvement will go from strength to strength.'

As Mr Punch would say, 'That's the way to do it!'


punchPhoto K. Martin