Join the Autumn Plantathon!

Oct. 22, 2023

Eynsham Playing Fields
1 Oxford Road
Eynsham OX29 4HG

Event has ended



Come and plant out the wildflowers that so many of us have been sowing, potting on and nurturing since last Autumn. Our growers include the Eynsham Beavers, Pinkhill Scouts, FarmAbility, Bridewell, Bartholomew Six Formers and Bartholomew Year 11 A Band, who have been coming down to Long Mead all year and have made a fantastic contribution. Hugest thanks go to NRN’s magnificent regular plant propagators who make it down to Long Mead every week all through the year, through rain and wind and rain... We have a lot of fun and learn a lot - from podding seeds and filling pots (supporting our participants with learning disabilities) to collecting data on individual plants for our research project. If you'd like to join us on a wednesday please email. 

We are delighted to have been chosen by West Oxfordshire District Council to showcase Parish level nature recovery and have received funding for compost, yellow rattle seed, snakeshead fritillary bulbs etc. All the other seed is donated from Long Mead. 

This year, we've increased the range of plants that we are growing to include some of Long Mead's rare wetland wildflowers. By planting them around the local area, we hope to increase their chances survival into the future and make our environs beautiful. Some we will plant out in the Carnival Meadow and some along the streams and damp areas in the Neyotts (the lock meadow).

We are so excited to be starting on this whole new stage of helping nature recovery in our local area. We saw how it can work when we were cutting hay in the tiny Fishpond's meadow last week... NRN's scythers found a slow worm, thousands of grass hoppers and a silver-washed fritillary butterfly. In the short grass on the other side of the car park there was no evidence of wildlife. 

Please bring trowels, narrow spades, watering cans and bulb planters if you have them. No worries if you haven't. And please register as it helps us know how many plants to bring, and the meeting place may change


Date and Time

Sun, Oct. 22, 2023

2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(GMT+0100) Europe/London


Eynsham Playing Fields

1 Oxford Road
Eynsham OX29 4HG

Meet at Eynsham Playing Field's Carnival Meadow

Event has ended


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Eynsham Playing Fields

1 Oxford Road
Eynsham OX29 4HG