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Botanical Survey Project Page.

Botanical Surveys Project - Getting Involved

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Our goal is to gather and share as much information as we can about the botanical diversity that that exists in our local area as a means of increasing the biodiversity within Eynsham and in the surrounding landscape.

We eager to encourage as many people to get involved as possible, including helping those who are eager to learn to survey so that, over time, we can build up a knowledge and committed group of lcoal surveyors. For more details on on the what, where and why of the project click here.

Botanical surveys do require training, so look out for our next training sessions.

Share your opinions and questions in the Botanical Forum.

Sign the NRN Survey Consent Form so that we can share your sightings with national research organisations. 

You might find the following equipment helpful:

  • a notebook
  • a pair of sharp eyes
  • a guide (Human or Artificial)
  • a camera