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Hedge In Time - an update

Mulching in Storm Doris


After the resounding success of January's hedge planting efforts, when over 100 hardy souls braved the icy cold to plant 4500 hedgerow whips in just one afternoon, the Nature Recovery Network is pleased to report that the first spring buds are starting to emerge from the young plants. A small posse of our hardiest NRNers (including our youngest!) ventured out in Storm Doris to mulch our 1km of hedge.

No howling gales and driving rain would deter them. Knowing this, we've realised that we can never cancel an event, whatever the weather, as someone is bound to turn up and think we're all weaklings... so unless we are in danger of being washed-away by floods, please note our events always go ahead! 

The hedge at Neyotts Meadow is part of the NRN's Hedge in Time Project, an initiative inspired by Freeland Farmer Robert Crocker that aims, over time, to connect up our villages with a network of hedgerow wildlife corridors.

Like a highway for animals, they provide safe passage between habitats. In imitation of an 'early medieval' hedge, our mix of hawthorn, hazel, blackthorn, willow and other native species should grow to give food and shelter to an array of species, from invertebrate pollinators to amphibia and reptiles, birds, and small mammals. So, many thanks go out to all the volunteers who've braved this weather this winter in the name of hedges.

Alongside, the network has been busy restoring Neyotts to its former glory as a diverse wildflower hay meadow, so be sure to visit the site, just across the Thames from Eynsham lock, in full bloom once summer arrives. And if you want to get involved, now the sunshine is returning, there'll be plenty of opportunities to join in with the NRN's work over the coming months.

From birds to butterflies and botanical surveys, there's something for everyone! (Plus, plenty of tea and cake to go around). Have a look at our upcoming events: