From the foundation year at Eynsham Primary School to MSc students at Oxford Brookes University, our young people are coming together in their groups to propagate and plant out wildflowers in Eynsham’s new meadows for the Nature Recovery Network and Long Mead's Thames Valley Wildflower Meadow Restoration Project.
The Beavers reprised their efforts in St Leonards Churchyard in May and come and seethe foxgloves that they planted in the autumn which are now in flower.Photo Catriona Bass.
The Scouts danced in a downpour on Long Mead as they pottedon rare devils-bit scabious and planted out red and white campion.Photo Catriona Bass
Eynsham Primary Schools' youngest students sowed wildflowersfor their new well-being garden, helped by local experts: ecologist Anna Rowlandsand garden designer Nina Turner, with Long Mead's meadow-maker, Catriona Bass.Photo Catriona Bass
Even Oxford Brookes MSc ecology students, who had a field trip to Long Meadin May, have caught the Eynsham wildflower passion and returned to pot onsome of the seeds sown by younger students.Photo Catriona Bass