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NRN wins prestigious grant

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Nature Recovery Network and Long Mead Foundation wins prestigious grant to pay for the indoor bits!

Do you fancy some hands-clean paid work for nature?


Our Nature Recovery Network and the Long Mead Foundation have received one of only six grants for Oxfordshire called ‘Thriving in Nature’. It is fantastic recognition of the success of all our collective efforts to understand, restore and protect the land and the wildlife around us. It also shows the efficacy of our pioneering model of linking up our local experts with our local enthusiasts and connecting up all our local orgаnisations to work together. We have shown that ‘the whole is much, much greater than the sum of the parts’!  

We know who we are: Beavers, Scouts, Primary School students, Bartholomew A-Band students, Bartholomew sixth formers, Eynsham Society, Eynsham Online, Peace Oak, FarmAbility, Bridewell, greenTEA, Eynsham News, Eynsham Parish Council, as well as our local sponsors like the Market Garden. Evenlode DIY, Cricks Butchers, as well as the other connected communities and, as important, all of us who contribute sweat equity time and again as individuals!  

Of course, the really valuable thing is getting out into the landscape and understanding what plants and wildlife are still hanging on around us - and getting our hands dirty by creating the habitat that will help them survive.

However, in order for us to be able to do this at the scale we do (and with the new leased land along the river to restore, the scale is growing) there is much more back-room work now involved to facilitate our ‘spades in the ground’.

So, if you are committed to protecting and restoring nature and have experience in some or all of these: admin, fund-raising, co-ordination, comms, and data entry and would like some paid work, please apply. We have funding for 20 hours per week and it can be for one or more people, depending on skills and availability. We will give preference those already active in the NRN.

Please email with your CV and expression of interest by 6th October (or contact Catriona if you would like more information).