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New Wildflower Meadows for Eynsham and Swinford

great burnet-4862


50 Acres of our local riverbank to be turned into wildflower hay meadows


After years of negotiation, Long Mead Foundation has secured leases on the Neyotts, at Eynsham Lock, and on Changeable Furlongs (the fields beyond it) to recreate the wildflower meadows that existed here from Domesday until they were destroyed in the 1970s.

Long Mead Foundation, supported by Nature Recovery Network (NRN)’s Plant Propagation Group and other NRN enthusiasts, will recreate new floodplain meadows here, for the benefit of wildlife and for the community as part of its Thames Valley Wildflower Meadow Restoration Project (TVWMRP). Read all about it  here.