Meadow Creation Workshops
Meadow Creation Workshops
by the UK’s leading expert, Charles Flower,
9th July and 20th July, 2021
We are very lucky to be able to host 2 workshops by Charles Flower, who began creating meadows from wildflower seed in the 1980s, long before many people were noticing their loss in the landscape. He has advised Natural England, the National Trust, Wildlife Trusts and many of the UK’s major landowners. He is also supplying the seed for Eynsham’s Churchyard, Fishponds and Dovehouse Meadows.
On 9th July, 10am to 1pm, he will show us how to create and manage wildflower meadows. The 20th July workshop (10am to 1pm) will focus on propagating wildflowers from seed. Because of the practical nature of the workshops, numbers are restricted to 20 people. The workshops will take place on Long Mead and will include a visit to Catriona Bass and Kevan Martin’s beautiful 1000 year old wildflower meadow.
NRN is providing sponsorship to cover part of Charles’ fee, so enabling NRN members to get a £10 discount. (A very good reason to sign up and become a Member).
For more information and to buy tickets, go to the NRN website: