Come and Nurture Our Community Meadow!
April meet up to continue with the restoration of the 50 acres that the Nature Recovery Network have leased adjacent to the river Thames. This is land where we can all help restore the nature around us.
The Neyotts & Changeable Furlongs meadows should be starting to look gorgeous at this time of year in this lovely riverside location, adjacent to Eynsham's historic toll bridge and overlooking Wytham Woods.
We will be continuing the preparation of the meadows, in particular working to deal with docks and thistles, come and try to pull out the longest root!
We'll also be sowing wildflower seeds to grow through the summer and planting out some of the rare wildflower species that we grew last year.
Please bring thermoses and a picnic lunch.
We'll all leave from Long Mead at 10.00am. It is always helpful if you can arrive at the beginning so that we can brief everyone together. But if you can’t make it then, we’d love to see you anyway.
Long Mead Barn
Oxford Road
OX29 4BT