Eynsham's Wildflower Meadows: potting on and sowing
This is the next in our series of regular meetings to start restoring the 50 acres that we have leased adjacent to the river Thames.
This is community land where we can all help restore the nature around us. We will be continuing the preparation of the meadows by potting on the plants sown over the last year by members of NRN's wednesday plant propagation group, as well as by all of us who have joined the weekend NRN days.
We will also be podding and sowing wildflower seeds collected from Long Mead before it was cut for hay.
We will be based at Long Mead but may do some planting out of wetland and hedgerow species..
Please bring thermoses and a picnic lunch.
It is always helpful if you can arrive at the beginning so that we can brief everyone together. But if you can’t make it then, we’d love to see you anyway.
Long Mead Barn
Oxford Road
OX29 4BT